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Opportunities to Join

We are actively seeking bassoon, bass trombone and alto saxophone players. Please reach out if you would like to get involved. We rehearse in Thornden Hall on Monday evenings 19:30 - 21:30.

We do not hold auditions for prospective members; we invite you to come along to a rehearsal and play in the band. That way you can see whether you are right for the band and the band is right for you.  We are a very friendly and welcoming group who are used to making new players feel relaxed.


As a community band, we welcome players of all ages with a playing standard relative to the band's standard at the time. There is a modest membership subscription and your first term is free.

Meet the Musical Directors


Thornden Community Wind Band was formed in 2004 and draws many of its members from Chandler's Ford, Eastleigh and the surrounding area.  From the start the band has been characterised by the wide variety of its members’ age, experience and background.

Several of the band members were previously members of Thornden School Wind Band; some members have played continuously throughout their lives, others have started playing again relatively recently after breaks of 20 to 30 years (or more), and a few have taken up playing an instrument later in life.

As a result we have a huge range of skill and experience, from professional musicians and music teachers to those playing in a band for the first time.  One thing we all share is a love of playing good music in a relaxed, friendly and fun atmosphere.

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